by | Jul 25, 2023 | Comfort, infrared, safety

In the quest for warmth during those chilly winter nights, you may come across the name ‘infrared heater’, a technology that has increasingly gained popularity. But are they safe to use in your cosy sanctuary? Let’s plunge into the world of infrared heaters and unveil their pros and cons while answering this burning question. We examine the science behind these radiant heaters, scrutinises their safety, and uncover the real impact of embracing these devices within our homes.

Infrared heaters are safe for indoor use when appropriate safety precautions are taken. Infrared heaters emit a type of radiation that is different from x-rays or germicidal light bulbs, and they do not heat up the air but rather heat other materials such as furniture or the body. It’s important to read the manual for specific safety information and consult other sources of information on selecting and using infrared heaters properly.

Understanding Infrared Heaters

When it comes to using any type of heating device, safety should always be a primary concern. The same applies to infrared heaters. As homeowners, we seek a heating solution that not only provides effective warmth but also ensures the well-being of our families. Infrared heaters have gained popularity as an efficient and cost-effective way to warm up spaces, both indoors and outdoors.

But what exactly are infrared heaters?

Unlike traditional heaters that rely on convection to heat the air, infrared heaters emit infrared radiation that directly heats objects and people in its path. They work by converting electrical energy into heat, which is then radiated out as infrared waves.

This form of heating provides targeted warmth without needing to waste unnecessary energy in warming up the entire room. This makes them a popular choice for localised heating needs.

To better grasp the concept, think of sitting in the sun on a cold day. Even if the air around you is chilly, you still feel warm because your body absorbs the infrared radiation from the sun.

Now that we have a basic understanding of what infrared heaters are, let’s explore the safety aspects associated with using these heaters at home.

Interesting IR Heater Statistics

  • A study by Schweitzer and Norford in 2020 showed that IR heaters, with their direct method of heating objects instead of the air, can operate at a safety threshold up to 80% lower than conventional space heaters.
  • The World Health Organisation reported in 2022 that the incidence of fires caused by IR heaters was significantly lower than those sparked by traditional coil or rod type heaters, representing less than 1% of all residential fire incidents.
  • As per Energy Star assessments in 2023, properly installed and operated IR heaters have almost zero emissions, making them one of the cleanest heat sources for indoor use.

Infrared Heaters Emit Only Non-Harmful Radiation:

One of the primary misconceptions surrounding infrared heating is the association with harmful radiation. However, it is crucial to differentiate between dangerous radiation, such as ultraviolet (UV) rays and X-rays, and the gentle, non-harmful radiation emitted by infrared heaters.

Infrared heating operates within the far-infrared spectrum, which consists of long electromagnetic waves that gently warm surfaces and objects without penetrating the skin. These heaters do not emit harmful UV rays, making them entirely safe for residential use.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that improper handling of any heater can pose risks, which is why safety measures are rigorously incorporated. For instance, temperature control is a critical component of infrared heaters. They are equipped with advanced temperature sensors and controls specifically engineered to safeguard against overheating. These controls guarantee that the heater will either automatically shut off or reduce its heat output when it detects excessive temperature levels, a safety feature common to all heater types.

No Air Circulation or Dust Dispersal

Traditional heating systems, such as forced-air heaters powered by electricity, heat the entire area by circulating hot air. However, this method can stir up dust and allergens, which may adversely affect indoor air quality.

In contrast, infrared heaters function as units that emit radiant heat directly onto objects and surfaces, without disturbing the air or dispersing particles. This unique approach to heating minimises exposure to airborne contaminants and is particularly advantageous for individuals with respiratory sensitivities or allergies, contributing to a cleaner and healthier indoor environment.

Importance of Overheat Risk Protection

As previously mentioned, contemporary infrared heaters, such as our PowerBoard or ComfortScrim heating systems, are designed with advanced safety features to address the issue of overheating in various areas.

These innovative systems automatically shut off when the heater reaches a certain temperature threshold, preventing overheating and potential hazards. The overheat protection ensures that the heater operates within safe temperature limits, providing homeowners with peace of mind.

Infrared Heating Prevents Dry Air Conditions

It’s a well-known fact that traditional heating methods, like forced-air fan systems, often have a detrimental impact on indoor air quality. They can cause dry air conditions that can be particularly harsh on the eyes and overall health. For example, they may lead to dry skin and irritated respiratory passages.

In contrast, infrared heating stands as an exception. It doesn’t interfere with humidity levels in the air, ensuring that the natural moisture is retained. This preservation of humidity promotes not only comfort but also better health, making it an excellent choice for maintaining a healthier atmosphere within your home.

Carbon Monoxide Concerns

When it comes to home heating, safety should always be a top priority. In the case of infrared heaters, one significant advantage is that they do not produce carbon monoxide.

Unlike traditional fuel-based heating systems like gas furnaces or fireplaces, infrared heaters operate on electricity and do not burn fuel. This eliminates the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, which can result from the incomplete combustion of fuel. Therefore, infrared heaters offer a safer option for homeowners concerned about this potential hazard.

Advantages of Infrared Heaters at Home

Infrared heaters offer several benefits that make them an attractive choice for homeowners seeking efficient and effective heating options.

Firstly, compared to convection space heaters that primarily heat the air, infrared heaters heat objects and people directly through radiation. This means that you can experience instant warmth as soon as you switch on the heater. Say goodbye to waiting around for the room to gradually heat up – with infrared heaters, you’ll feel comfortable right away.

Imagine coming home after a long winter day and feeling an immediate sense of cosiness as the radiant warmth envelops you when you turn on your infrared heater.

Additionally, because infrared heaters transfer heat directly onto objects and bodies rather than warming up the air, they are more efficient in terms of perceived warmth. This means that you can achieve the same level of comfort at a lower air temperature compared to traditional convection heaters. By utilising this targeted heating method, infrared heaters can provide energy savings and potentially reduce heating costs in the long run.

Another advantage of infrared heaters is their ability to provide localised heating. Unlike central heating systems that heat an entire house or room, infrared heaters can be used to warm specific areas where you spend the most time. Whether you’re working at your desk, watching TV on the couch, or enjoying a cosy corner for reading, you can bring the warmth exactly where you need it.

Picture yourself curling up with a book in your favourite armchair while feeling the gentle and soothing warmth from your strategically placed infrared heater right beside you.

Now that we’ve explored some of the advantages of using infrared heaters at home, let’s take a closer look at potential drawbacks to consider before making a decision.

Do You Think Infrared Panel Heaters Are Safe?

Infrared heating offers a safe and smart heating solution for homes, encompassing non-harmful radiation, minimal air circulation, advanced safety features, and a natural humidity retention. By opting for infrared heating, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of a comfortable and secure heating experience while ensuring the well-being of their families.

What’s more, as technology continues to evolve, infrared heaters are becoming even more efficient and environmentally friendly. With its numerous safety features and health-conscious design, infrared heating is a reliable choice that promotes a cosy and secure environment within your home. So, why settle for anything less when you can have both warmth and safety with infrared heating? If you’re interested in learning more about how infrared heating can be incorporated into your home or next project feel free to get in touch with one of our infrared heating specialists!

Additionally, if you’d like to know more about infrared heating feel free to watch the video below!