by | Oct 27, 2023 | infrared, Comfort

Infrared heaters have several advantages, including low emissions, aesthetic appeal, space-saving design, easy installation, low maintenance requirements, increased efficiency compared to central heating systems, energy-saving potential through zoning, potential health benefits, silent operation, compatibility with solar panels, and suitability for installation in listed buildings.

As we steadily approach the colder days of late 2023 and early 2024, many are considering a diverse range of heating options to stay warm and comfortable. One remarkable innovation rising in popularity is Infrared Heaters – a technology that promises energy efficiency and direct, cozy warmth like bathing in sunlight. But do they really live up to these glowing claims, or are there hidden drawbacks waiting in the shadows? Join us as we delve into the world of infrared heaters, revealing the advantages and potential disadvantages that could influence your heating decisions this winter. Get ready to feel the heat of this efficient heat source!


Table of Contents

How Infrared Heaters Work
Benefits of Infrared Heaters
Limitations & Concerns of Infrared Heaters
Pros & Cons Recap
  • According to Business Research Insights, the value of the global Infrared Heaters market in 2022 was USD 378.3 million, and it is projected to reach a revised size of USD 454.4 million by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 3.1 percent during this period.
  • A study conducted by the Journal of Building Engineering shows that in radiator heating systems, the concentration of PM10 particles exceeded their maximum allowable limit by 61% (the air was 61% higher than what’s considered safe).

Infrared Heaters: How They Work

Infrared heaters have gained popularity as an efficient and cost-effective way to heat spaces, and we thought it would be best to first understand how this eco-friendly heating technology works. However, rather than repeating ourselves, we’ve already explored this in depth in our how does an infrared heater work post which we recommend checking out.

Infrared heating panels offer efficient home heating, avoiding the drawbacks of convection systems. They prevent dampness and mold, making them perfect for allergy sufferers. Unlike traditional heaters such as radiators, they produce cleaner warmth without dust circulation.

They can be powered by various sources, including renewable ones like solar panels, reducing maintenance costs and environmental impact. Additionally, their sleek designs and versatility make them suitable for any place in your home.

With their low maintenance costs and energy efficiency, they’re a cost-effective choice for home heating, especially when combined with good insulation and smart thermostat control in your home.

Today, however, we’re shifting our focus on a different aspect. In this article, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of infrared heaters, providing you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision when considering this heating option for your home or office. Let’s first have a quick looks at the benefits and drawbacks shown below:

Benefits of Infrared Heaters

Infrared heaters offer a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond their primary function of providing efficient heating. From enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your living space to offering customizable options that seamlessly integrate with your décor, these heaters elevate the concept of warmth in your home. Let’s delve into the various advantages and innovative features that make infrared heaters a standout choice for modern households.

#1. Personalising & Artistic Customization of Heaters

In addition to providing efficient heat, infrared heaters offer an opportunity to enhance your interior design with their customizable features. Many manufacturers offer a range of options to personalise your heater to match your aesthetic preferences and blend seamlessly with your home décor. What’s more, these heaters can often be seamlessly integrated into ceilings, effectively becoming invisible heating sources. Such infrared integrated heating systems include PowerBoard™, that’s not only discreet, but also offers a silent heating solution without affecting your interior décor.

Imagine being able to transform a functional appliance into a work of art. Some infrared heaters can be customised with artwork or photographs, allowing them to serve both as a source of warmth and a visually appealing piece in your living space. This artistic customization not only adds a personal touch but also makes the heater a conversation starter.

Furthermore, these heaters come in various sizes and styles, giving you flexibility in choosing one that complements your specific needs and preferences.

Apart from their aesthetic customizability, infrared heaters also offer several practical advantages over conventional heating systems. Let’s explore some of these key benefits.

#2. Energy Efficiency & Aesthetic Appeal

High energy efficiency stands out as one of the primary advantages of using infrared heaters, however, are infrared heaters effective is the next question to address. Unlike traditional central heating systems that heat the air, infrared panels emit far-infrared waves that directly warm the objects and surfaces in their path. This method of heating is more efficient as it eliminates energy wastage from heating unused space or constantly reheating the air to maintain a desired temperature. By focusing on heating objects and people, instead of the entire room, infrared heaters can provide significant energy savings.

Additionally, infrared heaters are aesthetically pleasing and can seamlessly blend with any interior design theme. These slim and sleek panels can be mounted on walls or even be installed on ceilings, providing flexibility in placement options without taking up valuable floor space. This customizability ensures that your heating system not only efficiently warms your space but also enhances its visual appeal.

#3. Ease of Installation & Low Maintenance

One of the significant advantages of infrared heaters is their ease of installation and low maintenance requirements. Unlike traditional heating systems that involve complex pipework and extensive installation processes, infrared panels can be effortlessly mounted on walls or ceilings. This flexibility allows for unobtrusive placement, ensuring optimal heat distribution throughout the room.

Imagine renovating your living space and wanting to add a heating system that seamlessly integrates with your interior design. Infrared heaters offer the perfect solution by coming in various sizes and designs, making them easily blend with your décor.

Moreover, how infrared heating panels work is by directly emitting heat to objects and people in the room instead of heating the surrounding air, therefore, they don’t require any ductwork or vents. This absence of moving parts also translates to minimal maintenance needs. Unlike boilers that often require annual servicing and regular check-ups, infrared heaters rarely need attention once installed properly.

With the convenience provided by easy installation and minimal maintenance, it’s clear why many homeowners are considering infrared heaters as an efficient and hassle-free heating option.

#4. Eco-Friendly Heating Choices

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the environmental impact of our daily choices and activities. When it comes to heating systems like infrared heaters, they do offer some environmentally friendly advantages compared to conventional methods.

So how efficient are infrared heaters? Infrared heaters are known for their energy efficiency; they consume up to 30% less energy than conventional heating systems. This reduced energy consumption translates not only into cost savings but also contributes to a lower carbon footprint by minimising greenhouse gas emissions associated with power generation.

illustration representing solar energy for heating up room with IR heaters

But the journey towards eco-friendly heating doesn’t stop there. It can be further amplified with the integration of solar panels. Solar panels, which harness the power of the sun to generate electricity, offer a sustainable and renewable energy source. By pairing infrared heaters with solar panels, you can create a heating system that is not only energy-efficient but also largely powered by clean, renewable energy. This dynamic duo represents a significant step toward reducing your environmental impact and dependency on non-renewable energy sources.

#5. Improving Indoor Air Quality and Well-being

Traditional heating systems often circulate air, which can lead to the distribution of dust particles, allergens, and other irritants. This can be problematic for individuals with allergies, asthma, or respiratory conditions. In contrast, infrared heating panels do not rely on air circulation as their primary method of providing warmth. Instead, they directly heat objects such as floors, walls, and furniture, creating a more comfortable and healthier indoor environment. This feature helps maintain a healthy moisture content level while preventing the formation of mould and mildew.

This type of heating technology also excels in controlling the humidity level within the space. Unlike many convective heating solutions that can dry out the air, infrared heating ensures that the humidity level is better regulated. This added benefit contributes to a more comfortable and healthier atmosphere, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking a heating solution that maintains indoor air quality and avoids the discomfort associated with overly dry air.

Additionally, infrared radiation is known for its therapeutic properties. It is often used in saunas and medical treatments due to its ability to penetrate deep into one’s skin and create a gentle warming effect. Similarly, infrared heaters emit this type of radiation, which can help improve blood circulation and alleviate muscle soreness or joint pain. These added health benefits make infrared heating panels particularly appealing for individuals seeking not only efficient heat but also potential therapeutic effects.

Note: Individual experiences may vary. Some people may be more sensitive to heat or have different levels of comfort with infrared radiation. It is crucial to consider personal preferences and consult with professionals to determine if infrared heating panels are the right choice for your specific needs.

#6. Perfect For Peaceful Environments

These heaters are generally silent in operation, making them ideal for quiet environments or bedrooms. Unlike traditional forced-air heating systems that can produce noisy fan sounds or rattling ducts, infrared heaters work silently, ensuring a peaceful and undisturbed atmosphere in your living spaces.

peaceful heating environment for reading and sleeping

This feature not only enhances comfort but also allows individuals to rest, work, or sleep without the disruption of loud heating equipment, promoting a more serene and relaxed environment.

#7. Versatility & Year Round Comfort

Infrared heaters can be used both indoors and outdoors to provide warmth in specific areas. This versatility is one of the standout features of infrared heaters.

Indoors, they seamlessly integrate into your living space, ensuring that you remain comfortable during colder months without having to heat the entire house. Whether you’re looking to create a cosy ambiance in your living room or keep your home office toasty, these heaters are up to the task.

Beyond indoor applications, they also shine in outdoor settings. Infrared patio heaters, for instance, can extend your outdoor enjoyment during chilly evenings, making them a perfect addition to your garden, patio, or outdoor dining area. Outdoor infrared heaters are designed to be weather-resistant. They are built with materials and coatings that can withstand exposure to the elements, including rain and snow. This resilience makes them a suitable choice for outdoor use, allowing you to enjoy warmth even in less-than-ideal weather conditions.

#8. The Remarkable Lifespan of Infrared Heaters

Infrared heaters typically have a longer lifespan compared to traditional heaters. This extended durability is a significant advantage that can translate into cost savings and reduced maintenance. The reason behind their longevity lies in their simple yet robust design. Unlike traditional heaters with complex components and moving parts that are prone to wear and tear, infrared heaters have fewer elements that can break down over time.

Additionally, their efficient heating mechanism minimises stress on the heating elements, further contributing to their extended life. As a result, you can enjoy reliable and long-lasting warmth in your home or outdoor spaces, knowing that your infrared heater is built to endure the test of time, providing consistent comfort for years to come.

#9. Integration with Existing Heating Systems

Infrared heaters can effectively complement existing heating systems, such as central heating or radiant floor heating, by providing supplemental warmth to specific areas or rooms within a property. For instance, in larger homes or buildings with centralized heating systems, certain rooms may experience uneven heating or require additional warmth due to factors like insulation variations, room orientation, or occupant preferences.

Moreover, you don’t need to replace your current heating system to benefit from infrared energy savings. For example, if the entire family is out of the house and you’re spending most of the day working in a room, instead of heating the entire house to stay warm, you can efficiently use infrared warmth to ward off the chill.

Limitations & Concerns of Infrared Heaters

While there are numerous benefits to using infrared heaters, it’s essential to understand their limitations and address any concerns before making an informed decision.

One limitation worth noting is that although infrared heating panels are more efficient than central heating systems in terms of energy consumption, they may not (in some circumstances) be able to completely replace a gas boiler. It’s important to consider that while infrared heaters emit low-carbon heat and are safe for use, they should be placed strategically for optimal heat distribution. Infrared radiation works by directly heating objects, so obstructions such as furniture or curtains can impede its effectiveness. Proper placement of the panels is key to ensuring uniform warmth throughout the room.

Let’s say you have a large open-concept living area encompassing both a seating area and a dining space. To effectively zone the heating, you would need to strategically position the infrared panels in each designated area, making sure there are no physical barriers blocking the heat from reaching its intended targets.

Despite these limitations and concerns, the overall benefits of infrared heaters make them an attractive option for homeowners seeking efficient and aesthetically pleasing heating solutions.

Infrared Heating Pros and Cons

Pros of Infrared Heaters Cons of Infrared Heaters
Energy Efficiency May Not Replace Gas Boilers Completely
Aesthetic Appeal Placement Challenges
Ease of Installation Limited Zoning in Large Spaces
Low Maintenance
Improved Indoor Air Quality
Therapeutic Benefits
Silent Operation
Long Lifespan

Common Heating Questions Asked

Can infrared heaters help improve indoor air quality?
Certainly! Infrared heaters are effective in improving indoor air quality by avoiding the circulation of air and dust particles typical of traditional heating methods. Unlike forced-air systems, infrared heaters directly heat objects and surfaces through infrared radiation, reducing the risk of allergens and pollutants being stirred up.
What should I consider before purchasing an infrared heater?

One of the most important factors to consider is calculating heat coverage area of your room for maximum efficiency. This assessment is crucial in determining whether the method aligns with your requirements for an infrared central heating system or whether you need it as a supplementary heating solution.

How long do infrared heaters last?

Infrared heaters are known for their durability and longevity. On average, these heaters can last anywhere between 10 to 20 years depending on frequency of usage!