Yes, infrared heating is cost-effective as heat is not used to warm the surrounding air, but rather object directly. The long-lasting heat produced by infrared heaters means that users can often turn down their thermostats by a few degrees and still feel comfortably warm, offering plenty of scope for reducing running costs. Additionally, pairing infrared heaters with digital thermostats and smart home systems can help to reduce energy waste and further trim down running costs.

Imagine waking up on a cold winter’s morning and swapping the frigid air for a comforting, sun-like warmth that envelops you upon stepping out of bed. That’s the experience offered by infrared heaters.

Infrared heating is one of the most efficient forms of heat transmission available, but is it cost-effective? Our insightful exploration will dissect the pros and cons of infrared heating to reveal if this innovative technology delivers both economic efficiency and unbeatable comfort.


Table of Contents

Understanding Infrared Heating
The Costs of Infrared Heating Installation
Pros of Infrared Heating: Energy and Cost Savings
Potential Cons of Infrared Heating
Author’s Final Words

Understanding Infrared Heating

Infrared heating is a technology that has been used for many years in industrial and commercial settings, but has gained popularity among homeowners in recent years due to its cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. Simply put, this heating method generates heat by emitting electromagnetic radiation which travels through space and heats up objects in its path.

To understand the mechanics of infrared heat, imagine sitting outside on a sunny day but feeling cold due to the lack of direct sunlight. As soon as you step into the direct sunlight, you start feeling warm almost instantly (despite the air around you remaining cool). This is because the sun emits both visible and invisible light waves, including infrared rays, which directly heat up your body and surroundings.

Unlike traditional heating systems that heat up the air and circulate it, infrared heating heats up objects directly without wasteful dispersal. This means that infrared heaters provide warmth using significantly less energy than conventional heating systems. The result? Cost savings for homeowners who switch to this technology.

While it’s important to understanding the basics of infrared panel heating, it’s also necessary to differentiate between radiant and radiative heating to fully comprehend how these technologies work.

  • According to new SAP Regulations in the UK Infrared Heaters are deemed as 100% efficient, demonstrating significant energy savings compared to conventional heating systems.
  • Far Infrared Panel Heaters are proven to be up to 30% more energy efficient than other forms of electric heating according to The Energy Saving Trust.
  • According to an article published in ASHRAE, using an infrared heater could reduce a home’s heating costs by approximately 30-50% when utilised efficiently.

Differentiating Radiant and Radiative Heating

Radiant heating refers to a technology where thermal radiation is emitted from a hot surface or element towards cooler surroundings. Radiative heating involves electromagnetic radiation being emitted from two surfaces at different temperatures towards each other until they reach thermal equilibrium.

To illustrate this concept more clearly, imagine standing near a fireplace. The warm feeling you experience is due to radiant heating – the heat generated by the fire is absorbed by your body and surroundings, instead of the air itself. On the other hand, radiative heating occurs between two objects with different temperatures such as a person standing near a cold wall.

Radiant and radiative heating are forms of infrared heating that can provide benefits such as lower energy costs, more efficient use of resources and a more comfortable indoor environment. This technology can effectively provide warmth without the unwanted side effects such as drafts, dust circulation or increased humidity levels.

However, it’s important to note that not all infrared heaters are created equal – some models may be more energy-efficient than others depending on their design and usage. Furthermore, radiant heating systems require an initial investment in installation costs.

Quick Facts

Advanced Features Capabilities

Numerous infrared heaters offer advanced functionalities like remote control, programmable settings, and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Use of Safe Electromagnetic Radiation

Infrared heating panels utilize electromagnetic radiation to warm objects and individuals within a room directly, bypassing the need to heat the air. Operating within the far-infrared spectrum, they gently warm surfaces and objects without penetrating the skin using long electromagnetic waves.

Harnessing Adaptability and Flexibility

Infrared heating, often combined with other energy-efficient technologies like insulation and solar panel integration, offers enhanced flexibility. Some IR panels, like our PowerBoard units, run on DC power, eliminating the need for an inverter when used with solar panels.

Indoor & Outdoor Use
Infrared heaters excel outdoors because they deliver targeted heat directly to people and objects, rather than dispersing warmth inefficiently into the surrounding air. This focused approach (much like the sun’s warmth on a cold day) ensures effective heating even in open spaces, making them superior choices for outdoor environments.
Unexpected Cost Savings
Traditional heating systems typically rely on ductwork or circulating air to distribute heat throughout a space. This process can lead to energy losses as the heated air travels through the ducts, encountering resistance and potential leaks along the way. Infrared heaters do not require ductwork or circulating air, which can further contribute to energy savings.

The Costs of Infrared Heating Installation

When it comes to installing infrared heating systems, the costs may vary depending on several factors. One major factor would be the size of the space to be heated, as larger rooms would require more heaters and longer installation time. Another factor is the type of heater to be installed, which could also affect the overall cost due to varying specifications and features.

Despite these variables, it can be suggested that in general, the installation of infrared heating is not too expensive. In fact, because it does not require a lot of complicated ductwork or plumbing, it requires less up-front expenses when compared with other heating systems.

Additionally, infrared heating is a relatively low maintenance system and has minimal servicing needs over their lifespan. This makes it easier for homeowners and business owners to save money on equipment maintenance and repair costs.

Although initially perceived expenses appear high, you will save more money in the long run since infrared heaters are highly efficient, low maintenance and affordable.

Moreover, most manufacturers offer warranties on their products such as lifetime element warranty. In this case, if there were any defects related to essential components within the unit, the manufacturer would replace them free of charge.

Evaluating Installation Against Long Term Savings

It’s important for potential buyers of an infrared heating system to know that while they may spend a chunk of money during installation, it will pay off long term by saving energy expenditure and providing better comfort levels for years into the future.

One way to evaluate installation cost against long-term savings is by comparing it with alternative heating systems such as electric, propane, and gas furnaces. Infrared heaters boast 50%–70% energy savings making them a more efficient way to heat spaces.

illustration of installation of infrared panels inside a room
Moreover, existing homes switching to infrared will have less acquisition cost than brand new homes being built with gas or oil-based heating systems. The amount of money saved on subsequent bills will mean that your up-front equipment costs will be worthwhile in terms of the energy consumption required for your household.

Studies have shown that homeowners can save up to £410 yearly on their utilities by using radiant heat sources instead of traditional air conditioning units, storage heaters and similar equipment.

It would be useful to think about infrared heating as an investment and not as a regular expenditure; much like how you are willing to spend on durable goods for long-term use including vehicles, high-end mobiles phones and MacBook Pros. Infrared heaters as such are also a long-lasting purchase meant for a comfortable and energy-efficient home environment.

Overall, installation of infrared heating is not too costly and is well worth it due to its long term efficiency and overall environmental impact. As infrared heating technology progresses day by day, it should be considered as a financially viable option by those intending on renovating or building new homes.

Factors Affecting Efficiency of Infrared Heaters

Room Layout & Line of Sight
Be mindful of the placement of infrared heater panels to avoid obstructing surfaces, such as slanted walls or suspended fixtures like chandeliers. Installing panels in clear, unobstructed areas ensures optimal heating effectiveness.
Infrared Panel Placement
When positioning your infrared panel, take into account heat losses from surrounding surfaces. To compensate for heat losses, prioritize placing heaters near facades and windows. Avoid installing them directly opposite windows, as this can reduce heating efficiency.
Usage Patterns
Infrared heaters are designed to provide warmth by emitting electromagnetic radiation that heats objects and individuals directly within their line of sight. However, the level of occupancy in a room can impact the efficiency and efficacy of the heater. Consider this when determining how many panels you need in a given room.

Pros of Infrared Heating: Energy and Cost Savings

Amidst the innovations in heating technology, the benefits of infrared heaters have emerged as a focal point, with energy and cost savings being at the top of the list. This has reshaped how we perceive and utilize warmth in our living and working environments.

If anecdotal evidence is anything to go by, then it goes without saying that infrared heaters can reduce heating costs by more than 20%. This impressive figure is bound to make anyone think twice before sticking to their current heating system. Most conventional heating systems unnecessarily heat the air first before transferring that heat to objects in a room, a process which results in significant energy losses. Therefore, using an infrared heating system eliminates these unnecessary steps, leading to reduced energy consumption.

Studies have shown that the use of infrared heaters results in up to 30% less energy consumption compared to conventional heating methods. This means you can significantly reduce your monthly bills just by switching to an infrared heating system. Consequently, this translates into substantial savings for homeowners and businesses alike over the long term.

Now that it is evident from the foregoing how infrared heaters are cost-effective, let’s delve into the next crucial aspect of these heating systems – their potential yearly savings.

Assessing Potential Yearly Savings

While switching to this type of system might seem daunting at first, its long-term benefits consistently prove to be worth the effort. Here are some essential aspects of evaluating your yearly savings:

The most significant saving you will make when using an infrared heating system comes through lower electricity bills. Infrared heater energy consumption is much less than other forms of heating systems due to their direct method of transferring heat, as outlined earlier. As a result, you can expect your energy bills to be significantly lower over traditional electric or gas heaters.

An underrated benefit of radiant heat from an infrared heater is that it is targeted directly at specific areas or objects, ensuring that there are minimal losses through empty spaces and walls. This aspect translates into massive annual energy savings as homeowners require less energy to heat their spaces meaning fewer emissions and more money in your pocket while still keeping warm.

Some critics argue that installing an infrared heater doesn’t offer any potential cost savings compared to natural gas systems, which they say result in lower utility bills. However, this argument doesn’t take into consideration how natural gas systems operate – they typically heat large volumes of air which results in significant losses through ventilation systems.

It is like driving a car with an accelerating engine without ever getting on the highway. You would still consume a lot of gas, and while you might get to your destination eventually, the process wouldn’t be efficient. That’s how traditional heating systems operate – they try to heat a room by first heating large volumes of air with nothing in place to circulate it where it is necessary.

Actual Energy Consumption Case Study

We don’t want you to simply take our word for it so we complied a casestudy for your consideration. In our case study, we used one of our popular PowerBoard units and put it to the test, meticulously tracking its real-time energy consumption over a one-week period.

In this real usage scenario from a customer in Austria, we observed the system’s performance throughout the week of January 1 to January 7, 2021. The heated area covered an expansive 130 square meters, ensuring that we captured data from a substantial living space. Throughout this period, the average outdoor temperature was recorded at a chilly 1.08°C, while the indoor temperature maintained a cozy 23.54°C.

An actual case study conducted in Australia on how much energy do infrared heaters save

Potential Cons of Infrared Heating

While infrared heating offers many advantages, there are also potential drawbacks that should not be overlooked. One of the biggest concerns is that this type of heating may not provide enough warmth for homes with high ceilings. This means supplementary heat sources may be required to supplement the infrared heaters, making it less cost-effective than originally anticipated.

Another problem associated with infrared heating is that if you have furniture or objects blocking the path of the infrared rays, it will reduce its efficiency and effectiveness. This means you need to consider where to place your infrared heater carefully to ensure that it will work optimally.

Lastly, if installed in poorly insulated rooms or other areas where there is cold air infiltration, they may struggle to deliver the “expected” warmth quickly and efficiently. It goes back to the example on a cold still day where the sun will warm you, but if the wind picks up, the chill factor is more notable.

Nonetheless, while these disadvantages cannot be ignored completely, they are outweighed by the benefits in most cases. Many people find that saving money on energy bills is worth the small inconvenience caused by having limitations on where they can put their furniture and how quickly their infrared heater heats up a room.

Advantages of Infrared Heating

Disadvantages of Infrared Heating

Reduces heating costs by more than 20% Dependent on line of sight
30% less energy consumption Less effective in drafty spaces
Lower monthly heating bills Limits at retaining heat
Targets and warms objects directly May not fully replace bolier
Provides rapid and direct heat
Longer lifespan
Minimal maintenance
Reduces carbon footprint
Operates silently

Author’s Final Words

In conclusion, the choice to embrace infrared heating offers a promising blend of comfort and cost-efficiency. With the ability to deliver sun-like warmth efficiently and directly, it stands as an appealing alternative to traditional heating methods.

As our exploration has revealed, the cost-effectiveness of infrared heating is indeed a compelling aspect. It reduces energy consumption, resulting in noticeable savings on monthly bills. In addition, its targeted approach minimises heat loss through empty spaces and walls, further contributing to annual cost savings.

In the grand scheme of things, while infrared heating may present some limitations (what product doesn’t), its potential for energy and cost savings, coupled with the comfort it provides, makes it a noteworthy choice for those seeking an efficient and cozy heating solution. By viewing it as an investment in long-term comfort and environmental impact, the initial expenses are often justified by the substantial reductions in energy expenditure and enhanced comfort levels it brings to homes and businesses alike.

Q1. How does the lifespan of an infrared heater affect its cost effectiveness?

The lifespan of an infrared heater plays a crucial role in determining its cost effectiveness. Generally, infrared heaters have a longer lifespan compared to traditional heating systems, thanks to their durable construction and efficient technology. A longer lifespan means that the initial investment in purchasing an infrared heater is spread out over a greater number of years, resulting in lower annual costs. Additionally, the extended lifespan reduces the need for frequent replacements or repairs, saving on maintenance expenses. Therefore, when considering the cost effectiveness of an infrared heater, it is essential to factor in its lifespan as it directly impacts long-term savings and overall efficiency.

Q2. How does the size of the space being heated impact the cost effectiveness of infrared heating?

The size of the space being heated can have a significant impact on the cost effectiveness of infrared heating. In general, larger spaces require more energy to heat, which can result in higher energy costs. However, infrared heating systems are designed to emit heat directly to objects and people in the room, rather than heating the air itself. This targeted approach allows for more efficient and effective heating, regardless of the size of the space. Therefore, while larger spaces may require more initial investment in terms of the number of infrared heaters needed, the overall cost effectiveness remains high due to the energy-saving benefits of this technology.

Q3. What economical energy savings can you expect with infrared heating?

Infrared heating, renowned for being an economical heating solution, offers significant potential energy savings due to its unique heating mechanism. Unlike traditional heating systems that rely on convection, infrared heaters emit radiant heat directly to objects and people in the room. This targeted approach ensures minimal heat loss and allows for more efficient heating. Additionally, infrared heaters can be easily zoned, allowing users to heat specific areas rather than the entire space. By only heating the necessary zones, energy consumption is further reduced. Studies have shown that infrared heating can result in energy savings of up to 30% compared to conventional heating methods, making it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option for both residential and commercial applications.